Reasons for refusing artificial feeding after birth.. The baby does not like the nipple and the temperature of the milk is not suitable for the baby

Reasons for refusing artificial feeding after birth:

Artificial feeding has become an important option for many mothers who have faced some difficulties in breastfeeding their children naturally, so the child's refusal to artificial feeding is a major problem for every mother, especially in the case of newborn babies. Because the child has no alternative but artificial feeding.

The child does not like artificial feeding:

Many children at this stage do not prefer the idea of artificial feeding in the first place, especially if the child was already accustomed to breastfeeding in his first days after birth, and the mother was forced to switch to artificial feeding for any reason. Because this makes him lose the physical bond that he used to have between him and the mother, and also makes him miss the smell of his mother, who makes him feel reassured.

You can overcome this problem by giving the bottle to the father or grandmother; Because the child will not associate the bottle with breastfeeding in this case, and therefore will not refuse artificial feeding until he gets used to it.

The baby does not like the nipple:

Many babies feel disturbed by the nature of the material from which some types of feeding bottle nipples are made, and others may be disturbed by the fast or slow flow of milk from them, especially since they are not yet used to breastfeeding, for this reason it is preferable to try several types of bottles that have nipples different, until you reach the nipple that your child prefers, and accepts artificial feeding through it.

The temperature of the milk is not suitable for the baby:

Some babies prefer to eat formula milk warm, and others prefer it cold, for this reason you should make sure every time that the temperature of the milk reaches the degree your child prefers, by placing drops of milk on your forearm, or using a thermometer designated to measure the temperature of liquids .

The child does not like the taste of formula milk:

There are many types of formula milk, and each of them has a different flavor and taste from the other. Sometimes babies do not like the flavor of some types of formula milk, especially babies who have been breastfed for a while.

In this case, you can introduce formula gradually by mixing it with a small amount of breast milk. Change the ratio between formula and breast milk gradually every day, until the proportion of breast milk decreases completely.

The child has a health problem:

The child's refusal to breastfeed reflects some of the health problems that he is likely to suffer from. In this case, the child remembers the pain he is exposed to after every meal, and this may make him enter into a continuous crying bout, expressing his refusal to breastfeed.

The mother should watch her child after each feeding, as he may cry as a result of stomach pain, for example. The mother should also examine the child's body; In order to check for any rashes or infections as a result of the child's allergy to cow's milk.
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