Reasons for crying infant and appropriate ways to deal with it

Crying in infants:

Babies usually cry a lot during infancy. It is the way the child communicates with his mother when he needs food, as well as when he feels afraid, or needs sleep, or otherwise. It may be difficult for the mother to know what the child needs to tell her through crying, especially at the beginning, and when the child grows up, his crying decreases. He can control himself, and becomes able to express his needs through speech afterwards.

What causes crying infant and ways to deal with it?

The crying of the infant does not depend on one reason, but there are many reasons for this crying, and the following is a list of many of these reasons along with the way to deal with them:


The infant usually needs to get food every several hours throughout the day, and crying is a late sign of the need for food, and there are several other signs, such as moving the hand to the side of the mouth, and crying in this case is dealt with by feeding the child.

The need to suck on things:

Sucking on things is a relaxing activity for children, and the child may cry when he finds nothing to suck in his mouth, and in this case the crying can be ended by providing something suitable for the child to suck.


If the child is alone, and does not find anyone around him; He may resort to crying in order to express this feeling that he is experiencing, and crying can be eliminated at that time by carrying the child quietly and then patting his back.


A child is fussy if he does not get enough rest and does not sleep long enough. As the child can need many hours of the day more than his parents think, and the period of sleep of a newborn child can exceed 16 hours a day until he gets the rest he needs, and to deal with this crying by providing the required comfort.

Diaper wetting:

Sometimes the child starts crying because his diaper has become wet and dirty, and the reason for crying in this case can be identified by checking the diapers and then changing them if necessary until the child stops crying.

The need for movement:

Since crying is the primary method of communication in children; The child may cry if he wants to move or move from his place, and walking can calm the child in this case, and the mother can also put the child in the swing, or take him for a ride in the car to stop crying.

the pain:

Children are exposed to several different types of pain, including: ear pain, pain resulting from mouth ulcers, and pain resulting from skin rashes. In this case, one must go to the doctor to make a diagnosis and then identify the appropriate treatment.

swaddling request:

Swaddling can be defined as wrapping a child with blankets or fabrics to limit the movement of his limbs, and sometimes children feel more secure when swaddled, and that is why they sometimes cry, and this crying is easily dealt with by wrapping the child.
Temperature changes: if the child feels hot or cold; He may cry to tell his parents about that, in which case the parents should remove the clothes from the child or cover him as needed.

Getting extra food:

When overfeeding, children are exposed to stomach bloating sometimes, which leads to crying, but the effect is short in this case until the bloating ends and the child stops crying.


Caffeine can leak from the nursing mother to the child, which leads to increased crying and difficulty sleeping, so mothers should avoid caffeine during the breastfeeding period to avoid crying in the child for this reason.


Colic is the main reason for babies crying in the first months after their birth, and baby colic can occur for more than 3 hours per day, and to deal with this crying, parents must consult a doctor to find out the proper feeding method, including: choosing the appropriate feeding so that air does not enter the device digestive.

The need to burp:

Sometimes the baby cries because he needs to burp, usually when getting food, and to get rid of the resulting crying, methods can be used that prevent air from entering the baby’s stomach during feeding, and the crying of the baby can stop immediately after burping.

Asking for closeness to his parents:

Children love to sit on their parents' laps, and get to know their scent, so they cry sometimes until the mother embraces them, and they stay close to her, and this crying is easily dealt with by holding the child on the mother's lap.
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