How to sterilize and heat baby bottles.. Storage of prepared formula milk

Sterilization of bottles and water:

Parents and pediatricians today aren't as concerned about sterilizing bottles and water as they were a generation ago, but many are considering it given recent reports of contaminated city water supplies and the rise in related problems. with food safety.

  • To start, always wash your hands before handling baby bottles or feeding your baby.
  • If you use disposable plastic bottle covers and ready-to-use formula, you need to make sure the nipples are clean. Scrub them in hot, soapy water, then rinse to remove all traces of soap; some experts recommend boiling them for 5 minutes.
  • Always carefully wash, rinse, and dry the top of the formula can before opening; make sure can openers, mixing spoons, jars, and other equipment are clean.

Glass Bottles and Formula Safety:

If you use regular glass bottles and concentrated or powdered formula, you need to make sure that the bottles and the water you add to the formula is free of germs. You do not need to boil the bottles; You can put them, along with mixing cups and other equipment you use to prepare formula, in a dishwasher that uses hot water and has a hot tumble cycle. You can also wash the bottles in hot, soapy water and rinse them thoroughly. This will kill most germs.

Mix with water:

Water for mixing infant formula must come from a safe water source as defined by the state or local health department. If you are concerned or in doubt about the safety of drinking water, you may use bottled water or boil cold drinking water for 1 minute (no more), then cool the water to room temperature for no more than 30 minutes before using. The lukewarm water will need to be tested beforehand to make sure it is not too hot for the baby. The easiest way to test the temperature is to put a few drops on the inside of your wrist. If not, you can also make a bottle by adding powdered formula and room temperature tap water just before feeding the baby. Bottles of powdered formula prepared in this way can be ready to drink because there is no need for additional cooling or heating.

Storage of prepared formula milk:

  • Prepared formula should be discarded within 1 hour of feeding a baby.
  • Prepared formula that was not fed to an infant can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours to prevent bacterial contamination.
  • An open container of ready-to-feed concentrated prepared formula should be covered, refrigerated, and discarded after 48 hours if not used.
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