How to safely prepare formula milk with water.. powdered formulas, concentrated liquid formulas, and ready-to-feed formulas

Forms of infant formula:

Infant formulas come in three forms: powdered formulas, concentrated liquid formulas, and ready-to-feed formulas (not concentrated). If you use formula for your baby, regardless of its form, be sure to follow the instructions exactly. Formula milk diluted with too much water, for example, can cause serious health and development problems for your baby. It is also important to use clean water from a safe source, free of bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause disease, and low in certain minerals and contaminants that can be harmful. Read on to learn more.

When to add water and how much to use:

Non-concentrated, ready-to-feed formula:

Do not add water to nonconcentrated ready-to-feed formula. Remember that diluting it can be dangerous for your child (see below).

Concentrated liquid formula and powdered formula:

Use water to prepare concentrated liquid formula and powdered formula, but only as directed. Use a safe water source, certified by your state or local government. Unless the local water source is known to be contaminated, you can use tap water to prepare concentrated liquid or powdered formula. In general, however, it is best to use mainly fluoridated tap water and occasionally non-fluoridated bottled water.

How to mix powdered formula and water to make a bottle:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides detailed instructions on preparing infant formula. Also look for instructions on formula can labels and other reliable sources, such as state WIC agencies. There are a few key points to remember:

1- First the water, then the dust:

Always add the powder to the water in the bottle, not the other way around.

2- Boil the water when necessary:

For babies younger than 3 months, those born prematurely, and those with weakened immune systems, hot water should be used when preparing formula to kill any germs. To do this, boil the water and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Then, serve it in a clean bottle and add the formula according to the package directions.

3- Cool the formula to body temperature:

If you are going to use the formula you have prepared right away, be sure to cool it to body temperature before feeding your baby. Run the prepared and covered bottle under cold water or place in an ice bath.

4- Check the temperature of the formula milk:

to make sure it is not too hot before giving it to your baby (see below).

How long does the bottle of formula last after you have made it?

Prepared formula should be discarded within one hour of bottle feeding.

Prepared formula that has not been fed to the baby can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours to avoid bacterial contamination.

An open container of ready-to-feed formula, concentrated formula, or formula made from concentrated liquid formula should be capped, refrigerated, and discarded after 48 hours if not used.

Why is diluting formula milk dangerous?

It has been reported in the news that some parents dilute formula to try to save money or feed babies water in addition to breast milk or formula. This can lead to a dangerous condition called water intoxication.

In the first six months of life, babies do not need water or other liquids, such as juices or juices, in addition to formula or breast milk, unless specifically recommended by the pediatrician. Adding extra water to formula or giving juices reduces the amount of nutrients the baby receives. This can slow growth and development. Excess water also upsets the balance of electrolytes and minerals, such as calcium, sodium, and potassium, which can lead to significant health problems, such as seizures. Therefore, always mix formula according to the manufacturer's directions, unless these instructions are specifically directed to change for infants with special health care needs.

How to check the temperature of your baby's bottle?

Check the hot water beforehand to make sure it is not too hot for your baby. The easiest way to check the temperature is to put a few drops on the inside of the wrist. If not, a bottle can be prepared by adding powdered milk and room temperature tap water just before feeding. Bottles prepared in this way with powdered formula can be ready for feeding, as there is no need for refrigeration or heating.
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