How is a child who is late in pronunciation taught to speak correctly?

Teaching a child who is late to speak:

From the beginning of the formation of the fetus in the womb of his mother, and the fathers are the most important part in the life of their child, and when the subject reaches the stage of teaching the child everything related to life, the parents are an important element in helping their children, including children who suffer from a problem in speech or language.

Ways to encourage a child's speech development:

So here are some ways to encourage your child's speech development:

  • Effective communication with your child: Talk to your child, sing to him, encourage him to imitate sounds and gestures and encourage him.
  • Read stories and books to your child: Start reading when your child is an infant and look for age-appropriate soft cloth or thick cardboard books or picture books that encourage children to look and interact while reading and naming pictures.
  • Use situations in everyday life: to build your child's speech and language, you have to talk to your child all day long about everything around you, name vegetables and fruits while shopping, explain what you do while cooking a meal or clean and tidy the house and point to things around the house.
  • Speak in simple vocabulary at the beginning and avoid talking in the language of children, but rather use the correct language.
  • Recognizing and treating speech and language delays early is the most appropriate solution, so consult your doctor if you are concerned about your child's speech or language development to have the necessary hearing and speech tests.
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