Disadvantages of artificial feeding.. Not a complete nutrient. financial cost. Impact on maternal health. uncomfortable

What is Formula feeding?

Formula feeding, which is the second type of feeding for the baby, as it is also a healthy option.
It is possible that artificial feeding is not the choice of the mother, as the newborn child may not accept breastfeeding, that is, breastfeeding, and vice versa, it is also possible that he will not accept artificial feeding.

However, many mothers may resort to artificial feeding, because it is a healthy and easy alternative to breastfeeding in the first place, and it has many other benefits, but this breastfeeding also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of artificial feeding:

Although artificial feeding is widely spread among mothers, due to its many benefits, it has many disadvantages, which include the following:

Formula is not a complete nutrient:

It is worth noting that whatever the quality of formula milk, and whatever its producing company, it will not be identical to natural breast milk, as breast milk contains all the nutrients a child needs in order to grow and develop in a correct and natural way.

In addition, formula milk is heavy on the child's stomach, unlike normal milk, which is light, except that formula milk may lead to obesity in the early childhood stage.

The need to prepare the milk bottle:

Breast milk does not require preparation or procedures for breastfeeding, while formula milk needs preparation that may take time, as it is necessary, first of all, to properly prepare the milk bottle.

In addition to the need to keep the bottle clean, by washing and sterilizing it, pouring milk into the bottle and warming it, that is, there are a lot of steps that the mother must do, and improper sterilization of the milk bottle can harm the baby’s health.

Financial cost:

Natural breast milk does not cost or increase financial expenses, unlike formula milk that needs to buy milk, a good quality milk bottle, in addition to buying a brush to clean it, and artificial feeding needs to buy a milk pump, except for the possibility of replacing milk bottles from time to time That is, adding extra financial costs every month, except for the mother entering into a spiral of what is the best milk for the child.

Effect on maternal health:

The type of breastfeeding, including artificial feeding, can affect the mother's health, because breastfeeding is a bonding process between the child and the mother, as the baby's skin touches the mother's skin during breastfeeding, which increases the bond between them.

Some studies have also indicated that women who choose to breastfeed rather than bottle-feed their baby have lower risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer, in addition to osteoporosis.

Breastfeeding is uncomfortable:

It is possible that the child may not be comfortable when feeding with a bottle of milk, as the woman must carry clean milk bottles, formula milk, and baby nipples, in addition to some supplies when leaving the house, and it may be difficult for the mother to control artificial feeding.

In addition, artificial feeding during the night periods is stressful, as the mother needs to wake up again and prepare the milk feed to feed the child.

The child's refusal to breastfeed:

Although many women resort to artificial feeding, children often do not accept artificial feeding. This means thinking of another way to provide the child with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that he needs greatly, especially at this stage of development, even Adapts to the external environment.
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