Definition of childhood and its importance.. basis of human formation

Definition of childhood:

Childhood is the basis of human formation. The definition of childhood includes the following points that combine most of the common definitions:

  • Childhood is defined biologically as the age from birth to adulthood.
  • Childhood sometimes includes adolescence because it precedes adulthood.
  • Childhood is legally the period from birth to adulthood.
  • The legal age of majority varies from country to country but generally ranges from 18-21.
  • The concept of childhood emerged during the seventeenth century through the educational theories of the philosopher John Locke.
  • Before the advent of the concept of childhood, children were seen as incomplete versions of adults who had to work to support the family.
  • The United Nations Children's Fund defines childhood today as "the time for children to be in school, to play and to grow in strength, confidence and love through the encouragement of their families and community of caring adults".

The importance of childhood:

  • Childhood is the right time for human growth and development. It also affects his biological, mental and psychological formation and his personality for the rest of his life. We summarize the importance of childhood as follows:
  • The rate of brain development is fastest in the first years of a child's life.
  • Childhood interactions and experiences help shape the brain.
  • A child's development is negatively affected in the event of a lack of stimulation or nutrition in infancy.
  • Children who receive support and assistance in childhood succeed in school and even as adults.
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