To be healthy, it is recommended to do 30 minutes of physical exercise a day. Between the often sustained pace imposed by work and family life, it is not always easy to reach this daily half hour...

Improve your health:

Although it is synonymous with drudgery for some, physical activity has many virtues on our health.

It has positive effects on the cardiovascular system:

By regularly practicing a moderate physical activity such as running or swimming, you allow a better dilation of the blood vessels leading to a decrease in blood pressure. So your resting heart rate is lower. The risk of cardiovascular accidents and hypertension is then much lower.

It contributes to the loss or maintenance of weight:

When you exercise, you burn calories. The more intense the exercise, the greater the number of calories burned. Training several times a week will, in the long term, increase your muscle mass and, coupled with a healthy diet, reduce your fat mass. Sport will allow you to tone up, firm up and refine yourself.

It limits the appearance of osteoporosis and sarcopenia:

Sport improves endurance, coordination and strength. It also has beneficial effects on the skeleton: in particular, it helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis in the elderly. Regular practice also helps reduce sarcopenia*, by limiting muscle wasting.
In addition to staying fit and active, sports practice therefore increases life expectancy.

Psychological benefits:

If you exercise 3 times a week, for at least 20 minutes per session, you allow your body to release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

These hormones work against stress and anxiety and improve your mood. This is why a feeling of fullness can be felt at the end of an intensive sports session. As a result, you also act on the quality of your sleep: good physical fatigue will relax you and your sleep will be more restorative.

This concentrate of positive waves therefore considerably improves your daily well-being!


We advise you to train with someone because it can be a source of motivation: it will be more difficult to cancel a planned session with a friend, it will become a social obligation. Also, if one of you is unmotivated, the other can pull it up. You will then learn to surpass yourself and strengthen your self-esteem.

In general, practicing a sport indoors or in a club will encourage you to meet other athletes and therefore promote social ties.

Our advice for having the right reflexes:

First of all, it is important to clarify that doing physical exercise does not necessarily mean practicing an intense sports activity. Indeed, small efforts are also a form of exercise. In addition, it is quite possible to split your 30 minutes of physical exercise into 10-minute increments.

Do not hesitate to seize all the opportunities of everyday life to move more. Here are some good reflexes to cultivate:
Get moving before starting the day: to get the day off to a good start, you can get up a little earlier and practice a brisk walking activity, run or do some gym exercises.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator:

Opt for walking or cycling: whether it's to go shopping, get to work, pick up your children from school... try to leave your car in the garage and opt for a less expensive means of transport. sedentary.

Go for a walk:

in addition to changing your mind, walks have the merit of doing your body good. On vacation by the sea, prefer a walk by the water to a tan on the towel and in the mountains, opt for hiking or snowshoeing!

Practice a sports activity:

if you want to start a sports activity, the easiest way is to block a time slot in the week; you will be sure to keep your good resolutions. You can opt for a sport in a club or for a sport that you can practice individually (fitness exercises, exercise bike, etc.). Choose the activity most conducive to your development.
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