Tar for the treatment of psoriasis.. The Jockerman Method. Water bath and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Tar - Tranol. Carcinoma

Tar has been used as a topical treatment for more than a century.
The Jokerman method is used in the treatment of psoriasis with a daily application of 25% thoracic cone associated with a catheter and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Oil preparations are used from tar, the Cade oil for scalp lesions.
Some creams, lotions, ointments, commercial gels and shampoos containing tar extracts are available in the market, as they partially control some cases of psoriasis but are ineffective in severe cases.
Tar alone is sometimes effective in psoriasis or UVB radiation alone. Fat tar seems to sensitize the skin rather than ultraviolet rays and cause photodynamic sensitivity to the photomuscular pattern.
Ultraviolet UVB is more valuable than UVA if used with tar. Fat tar (dai-thranol) was found to be effective as well.
Neuropathy is not common except in cases of unstable psoriasis, in the face, genitalia and emotional surfaces. Contact dermatitis may occur, but rarely.
Gout is the most common side effect that may occur during treatment with tar and radiation and in rare cases may occur in the treatment sites.
- Infants and young children.
- Abdominal folds and genital anal area.
- Generalized pimple or psoriasis psoriasis.
- Previous poetic infection.
- severe youth pills.
- Allergy to tar or its derivatives.
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