Lichen planus in the mucous membranes.. Thinning in the granular layer. Scatter in the basal layer. Inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes, especially under the skin

Lichen planus in the mucous membranes:

Based on the provided information, you're describing histological features consistent with lichen planus in the mucous membranes. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Lichen planus:

This is a chronic inflammatory skin and mucous membrane disease that can affect various anatomical sites, including the oral cavity, genitalia, eyes, and esophagus.

Mucous membranes:

Lichen planus in the mucous membranes presents differently than on the skin and can be more challenging to diagnose.

Histological features:

The provided details suggest several characteristic features of lichen planus in the mucous membranes:

- Thinning in the granular layer:

This refers to the stratum granulosum, a layer of the epidermis directly above the basal layer. It's often thinned or absent in lichen planus.

- Scatter in the basal layer:

This might describe lymphocytes scattered within the basal layer of the epithelium, a characteristic finding in lichen planus.

- Inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes:

Lichen planus is characterized by a dense, band-like inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes in the upper dermis, sometimes extending into the epidermis.

Location of the infiltrate:

While "under the skin" is more typical for cutaneous lichen planus, infiltrates can also be seen in the submucosal connective tissue beneath the epithelium in mucous membrane involvement.

Additional Information:

Further information needed: For a more definitive diagnosis, additional information would be helpful, such as:

- Site of involvement:

Which specific mucous membrane is affected? Different locations can have slightly different presentations.
Clinical presentation: What are the patient's symptoms and what does the affected area look like?

- Other histological findings:

Are there any other specific features present in the biopsy?

- Disclaimer:

It's important to remember that I am not a medical professional and this information should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.
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