cancer.. When cell chromosomes become abnormalities, the cell can lose its ability to control its reproduction

The body consists of tiny cells.
Natural cells grow in the body and die according to a controlled mechanism.
Cells continue to divide and grow, sometimes, out of normal control, causing abnormal growth called tumor.
The tumor is called benign, ie non-cancerous if it does not attack neighboring tissues and other body parts. Benign tumors do not usually endanger the patient's life.
If the tumor invades neighboring cells and destroys them, it is called a malignant tumor or cancer. Cancer can sometimes be a threat to life.
Cancer cells sometimes spread across the body, through blood vessels and lymphatic channels.
Lymph is a transparent fluid produced by the body, which clears cells from waste; it travels through its own vessels and a structure similar to bean beads called lymph nodes.
The goal of cancer drugs is to kill cancer cells or control their abnormal reproduction.
Cancer is called the pancreas, even if it spreads to other parts of the body.
Doctors can determine where cancer started, but they can not always know the cause of cancer in each particular case.
Cells contain genetic or genetic materials called chromosomes or chromosomes, which control cell proliferation.
Cancer always begins with changes in chromosomes. When cell chromosomes become abnormalities, the cell can lose its ability to control its reproduction.
Sudden changes in genetic material can occur for many reasons. The causes of some of these changes are sometimes genetic.
Changes in chromosomes can occur due to infection, medication, tobacco, chemical agents or other factors. In the case of skin cancer, the sun is responsible for the change of chromosomes leading to cancer.
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