A Russian device for polishing metal surfaces by sound waves

Russian engineers have developed techniques to solve the problem of corrosion of machines and mechanisms as a result of their intensive use, using small portable devices, powered by ultrasonic sound waves, which polish the metal surfaces without turning to scratch or glare? The model of the device has received a certificate of appreciation from the World Council of Experts in the United States as an instrument and advanced in the field of engineering machinery industry?

The device works with an acoustic welding system, where ultrasonic sound waves emitted from it, deformity or? Separation? On the surface of the sample exposed to the treatment, leading to the smoothness of the surface, fine refinement of the meanders, and the strengthening of its outer layer to a high degree? This device is used to refine the surfaces of the vast majority of all steel types, in addition to aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, nonferrous metals and various alloys?

This technique repairs all types of damaged machinery parts, regardless of their appearance, whether cylindrical, spherical or conical. They are also suitable to smooth the types of grooves on all metal surfaces, including rectangular grooves, , As well as the ability to smooth out the forms of all protrusions and cavities, as it is enough to pass the radiator device above the auditory once on a metal surface of roughness equal to 6 micron? Micron part of a million meters ?, so it can be smoothed to 0.1 micron?

Is the small size of the device easy to install it directly on the machines of skimming or turning?
The other advantage of the machine compared to grinding machines or grinding and grinding machines that are usually used to clean the metal surfaces is the energy saving and maintenance of the workshop air cleaner, so as not to leave scattered residues from the surface of the mineral sample when treated with this technique?

The experience of the machine in cleaning the surfaces of the parts of the machines showed that the resistance of these parts to corrosion is incomparably longer compared to the parts that have been softened by conventional means, as well as their high level of reliability, energy saving at operation, repair costs and lubricants in a complete decimal order.

The Ultrasonic Therapy System is an expert in ultrasound technology in St. Petersburg? It is currently used, widely in many Russian specialized laboratories? He also expressed a desire to acquire a number of US factories?
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