Which statement about appendicitis is accurate and true.. Mc Burney’s point tenderness is suggestive of appendicitis

Which statement about appendicitis is accurate and true?

A- Appendicitis is more common among females than males.

B- A high fiber diet is a risk factor associated with appendicitis.

C- Left lower quadrant pain is suggestive of appendicitis.

D- Mc Burney’s point tenderness is suggestive of appendicitis.

Correct Response: D

Mc Burney’s point tenderness in the right lower quadrant is suggestive of appendicitis.
Appendicitis is more common among males than females and those with a high carbohydrate and/or low fiber diet are at risk for this inflammation and infection.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of an area called the appendicitis, due to the obstruction of the head by feces or other bodies.
It leads to abdominal pain and many other symptoms.
Appendicitis is one of the most important causes, especially acute abdominal pain, and requires urgent surgical treatment to avoid complications of the condition.
The process of appendicitis is one of the most urgent surgeries.
The prevalence of appendicitis is estimated at 6-8%.
Appendicitis may affect all generations but is more prevalent between the ages of 10 and 30.
Appendicitis affects men twice as often as women.
In young people and the elderly, symptoms of appendicitis are somewhat different.
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