Thursday, February 22, 2024

Which of the following is the best worded expected outcome.. The patient will cough and deep breathe every two hours

Which of the following is the best worded expected outcome?

  • A- “The nurse will provide for adequate hydration”
  • B- “The nurse will insure that the patient is safe”
  • C- “The patient will cough and deep breathe every two hours”
  • D- “The patient will value health”

The best worded expected outcome among the options is: C. "The patient will cough and deep breathe every two hours."

Here's why:

- Measurable:

This outcome clearly states the specific action the patient is expected to perform (cough and deep breathe) and the frequency (every two hours).

- Attainable:

Coughing and deep breathing are actions within the patient's control and achievable within the specified timeframe.

- Relevant:

This outcome directly relates to a specific nursing intervention, such as promoting lung expansion and preventing respiratory complications.

- Time-bound:

The timeframe for achieving the outcome is clearly defined as "every two hours."

Other Options:

While the other options may be desirable outcomes, they are not worded as effectively:

A. "The nurse will provide for adequate hydration":

This focuses on the nurse's action rather than the patient's expected behavior.

B. "The nurse will insure that the patient is safe":

This is a broad statement and lacks specific details about the desired outcome.

D. "The patient will value health":

This is a long-term goal and not a specific, measurable outcome achievable within a short timeframe.

Therefore, option C is the most effective expected outcome as it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.