Thursday, February 22, 2024

The protrusion of an internal organ through a wound or surgical incision is referred to as.. Evisceration

The protrusion of an internal organ through a wound or surgical incision is referred to as:

  • A- Serosanguineous.
  • B- Dehiscence.
  • C- Evisceration.
  • D- Exuded.

The correct answer is: C. Evisceration

Here's why:

- Serosanguineous:

This term refers to a fluid discharge containing both serum (plasma) and blood.

- Dehiscence:

This refers to the reopening of a surgical incision or wound. While dehiscence can lead to evisceration, it doesn't necessarily involve organ protrusion.

- Evisceration:

This is the protrusion of internal organs through a wound or surgical incision. It is a serious complication that requires immediate medical attention.

- Exuded:

This simply means to ooze or seep out, and doesn't specifically refer to organ protrusion.

Therefore, evisceration is the most accurate term describing the protrusion of an internal organ through a wound or surgical incision.