Reasons for not mixing the semen and urine in the urethra.. The muscles behind the bladder prevent the urine from coming out during semen

Sperm and urine do not mix with each other in the urethra:
Because of the presence of muscles behind the bladder prevents the urine from coming out during the exit of semen.

Retrograde ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm, but little or no semen comes out of the penis. Instead, the semen goes backward into the bladder.
It is not a harmful condition. The semen mixes with urine and passes out of the body the next time the man urinates. It causes no damage to the bladder.
However, retrograde ejaculation can be troublesome for couples who wish to conceive a child.

Typically, when a man ejaculates, the bladder is closed off by muscles called sphincters.
They keep semen out of the bladder.
For men with retrograde ejaculation, these sphincters do not work properly, so instead of exiting out the urethra, semen enters the bladder.
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