Qualifications, duties and powers of the ICU official.. Develop plans and train senior and senior resident physicians and nursing staff

• Qualifications:
1- Specialist doctor or consultant anesthesia and intensive care.
2- Has scientific experience, good administrative efficiency and good social personality.
3 - Has knowledge and experience with the concepts of safety and safety of the patient and the concepts of quality.
• His duties and powers:
1 - manages and directs all the work of the technical unit and administrative support and ensure the safety and safety of the patient and the application of quality standards and ethical and professional standards.
2 - Setting up and follow-up schedules of work and the commitment of all the staff of specialists doctors and senior resident physicians, etc. in the Division and ensure the delivery of an integrated service and over (24) hours full and recommend the reward of excellence and accountability of the default and in accordance with the practices and ethics of the profession.
3 - Inspection and examination and guidance and provide advice to patients reviewing and writing treatment and laboratory tests and Radiology necessary and follow-up and carry out visits and documentation of those activities and follow-up medical documentation and records of the Division and follow the position of devices and equipment and medical supplies and medicines .. And with the help of related persons.
4 - Participation in the development and formulation of policies for the development of treatment services in the Division in particular and the hospital in general.
5 - to prepare plans and training senior resident doctors and periodic and nursing staff working with him or assigned to work with him in all corridors and consultants and involve them in the scientific, technical and administrative activities, evaluation and guidance and follow-up regularity of their time.
6. Supervise all medical and health programs applied in the control of acquired infections, treatment of medical and non-medical waste, pollution and hygiene, health awareness, supervision and participation in the committees formed in the hospital, if mandated by the hospital administration and follow-up rational use of the drug.
7 - Has the authority to transfer the patient to another hall in the hospital (for a brother) or another hospital for the purpose of completing the treatment and improve the health and medical status of the patient (and that necessary scientific, medical and health) and with the knowledge and approval of the Director of the Department and management of the hospital and documented it in writing (his name and signature and stamp) The senior resident and the nursing staff and explain the cause of the procedure for the patient or his family.
8. Participation in meetings and medical lectures (continuing medical education) to ensure the raising of scientific, professional and technical level and participation in major clinical tours.
9 - Referral of suspected deaths to the forensic medicine and in accordance with the laws and procedures approved and with the knowledge and approval of the director of the hospital and the head of the department.
10 - Assisting new graduates of the specialized doctors working in the lobby and supervising them and assist them in the case of assignment of this duty by the hospital administration and the head of the department.
11 - Doctors consult the specialty of the same branch or other branches in the case where it is necessary to indicate their advice and access to the healing of the patient and improve the medical and health situation and documenting it in writing.
12 - Commitment to the official time and schedules prepared by the management of the hospital and the head of the department or the duties and tasks assigned by them.
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