Place these human needs in order from the greatest priority to the least priority using # 1 as the greatest priority and # 5 as the least of all in terms of priority.. Physiological needs

Place these human needs in order from the greatest priority to the least priority using # 1 as the greatest priority and # 5 as the least of all in terms of priority:
A- Self esteem and esteem by others
B- Self actualization
C- Psychological needs
D- Love and belonging
E- Physiological needs

Correct Response: E,C,D,A,B

According to Abraham Maslow, the hierarchy of human needs from the most basic and necessary to the least priority are the physiological or biological needs, the safety and psychological needs, the need for love and belonging, self esteem and the esteem by others and self actualization. Maslow’s theory states that until the most basic priority needs are satisfied in a step wise manner, the less priority needs cannot be addressed and fulfilled.
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