Medical devices in intensive care .. Blood and fluid delivery apparatus. Intravenous and arterial catheterization. Direct arterial pressure measurement. ECG scans

medical equipments:
1 - Electric bed with multiple movements with vibrating air mattress and sand bed according to the needs of the Division.
2 - Multifunctional monitoring devices for each bed linked to a central control system, containing at least 30% reserve:
• NIBP - Non-Invasive bl. Pr
• ECG monitor
• SpO2 - Saturation PO2
• ETCO2 - End Tidal CO2
It should also include:
• PICCO - Pulse Induced Cardiac Contour output.
• BIS (Bispectral Index scale).
• One Ventilator ventilator for each bed and a reserve of at least 30% of the total number of beds.
• Cardiac shock absorber D.C Shock One number per bed.
• One heart layout device.
• A fluid withdrawal device for each bed.
• Syringe Pump & Infusion Pump for four syringes.
• Low & high Pr. Reducing valve One number per bed with a reserve (30%) of the total number of beds. In the absence of central oxygen, three organizations are placed for each bed with 30% reserve.
• Patient heating system (25%) of beds.
• Other accessories and equipment: Artificial respirators with cardiac monometers, portable hand-held respirators, tracheal braces, surgical tools, surgical instruments, tracheotomy (2-3 trolleys) with trolley to other sections to complete or use patient tests In other lounges until a patient's bed is set up in the Emergency Cart.
• Electric Nebulizer.
• Mobile X-ray, Mobile Sonar, Echo device.
• Blood dial machine number (2-3) for the Division.
• One optical fiber optical sighting device.
• Plasmapheresis number one for the Division.
• A pressure gauge and a thermometer from the ear with a doctor's earpiece,
• Laboratory devices for the necessary laboratory tests: Spectrophotometer, ABL or ABG, Glucometer, microscope, water distillation device.
• Physiotherapy equipment.
• Special blood storage refrigerator with emergency bed.
• Feeder strap (2) per bed.
• A protective container for each bed (Apron).
• Ambu Bag One number per bed with back-up storage.
• Medicines and medical supplies:
Blood and blood flow apparatus, blood and blood acceleration devices, blood warmers, suction and fluid suction devices, tracheal tubes and various measurements, intravenous and arterial catheter kits, Invasive BP, central cannulas, , Catheters, Syringes, Catheters, Syringes, Nutrients, Intravenous Feedings, Emergency and Recovery Medications, Anesthetics and Trauma Medications , Medicines.
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