In intussusception.. Gas reduction is more effective than with Ba enema

In intussusception:
A- Symptoms and signs for over 12hours is an absolute contraindication to reduction. False (24)
B- Gas reduction is more effective than with Ba enema. True
C- Sever dehydration in the absence of other signs is associated with poor results in success rate for complete reduction radiologically. True (Must treated surgically)
D- Peritonitis is an absolute contraindication to reduction. True (Must treated surgically)
E- Small bowel obstruction reduces the success rate of reduction. True (Must treated surgically).

Peritonitis is an acute inflammation of the peritoneum: it is a surgical emergency.
The visceral peritoneum is a membrane that adheres to the outer surface of each organ of the abdomen (liver, spleen, intestines ...). It is prolonged by the parietal peritoneum lining the inner side of the wall of the abdominal cavity
Between the two peritoneum (or serosa) is the peritoneal cavity, a very thin space containing the fluid secreted by serosa. This lubricates the digestive organs and allows them to slide easily against each other during their operation.
Peritonitis is an acute inflammation of the localized or generalized peritoneum, the cause of which is most often infectious (linked to a germ, a bacterium).
The diagnosis must be rapid and the treatment is a surgical emergency. We distinguish :
- The so-called "primary" peritonitis is linked to an infection of the peritoneum transmitted by translocation of a germ present in the blood.
- "Secondary" peritonitis is linked to the spread of a localized abdominal infection, for example appendicitis or cholecystitis (infection of the gallbladder), or to the perforation of an organ (gastric ulcer for example).
This category also includes infections that occur after an operation of the abdomen or after trauma to the abdomen.

A person with peritonitis usually feels a sudden and very intense pain on a specific point in the abdomen, which will then diffuse. The abdomen swells, contracts and causes what is called the "belly of wood".
The pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fatigue and fever. The general condition is deteriorating very quickly.

Diagnosis and treatment:
The inflammation of the peritoneum is diagnosed during various examinations, palpation, rectal examination (painful in case of peritonitis), blood test, radiography and CT scan. Localized peritonitis is more difficult to diagnose; then ultrasound is used.
Inflammation of the peritoneum requires in all cases hospitalization.
If the case is proven, the patient will undergo antibiotic treatment and often surgery to (if necessary) suture a perforated ulcer, remove appendicitis ... The cleaning of the abdominal cavity with the establishment of a drain concerns most people treated for peritonitis.
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