How to perform a therapeutic catheter for uterine fibroids.. Maintain the sterilization environment with monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, breathing and blood oxygen level

The operation is performed in the catheter section of the radiology department, where it maintains the sterilization environment with the monitoring of the heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, breathing and blood oxygen level during the operation lasting 60-90 minutes.
After giving the house a nuisance and local anesthesia to anesthetize the skin at the top of the thigh, the interventional radiologist will insert a thin "catheter" into the artery at the groin.
Using x-ray guidance, the catheter reaches the uterus, to inject the medical emulsion to block blood flow in the arteries, uterine fibroids, in most cases, the uterine arteries can be treated by the introduction of a single catheter. After completing the treatment, clean the catheter's position and insert.
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