Engineering characterization and functional branches of intensive care .. Store to replace and keep sheets, clothes and utensils sterile and non sterile

The intensive care people require a special vacuum and considerations for the equipment needed for the staff to perform the active and urgent functions:
• The area of ​​intensive care is determined according to the number of beds, which are determined according to their proportion to the ratio of the number of hospital beds which is not less than (10%) of the hospital beds.
• Its walls and floor are of glaze type to reduce the growth and spread of germs.
• The optimal patient bed area is 16-20 square meters, a bed distance between the bed and the vertical wall of not less than 0.9 meters, and a minimum of a passageway at the end of the bed with a minimum of 1.2 meters. Without obstructing the movement of the family and equipment, and there are separations between the beds of patients in the case of not using the methods of single rooms and private and have measures to maintain the confidentiality of accidental viewing that may be located by patients and other visitors as well as noise Each bed has an optical link (window) The distance from the patient's bed to the window should not exceed 5 m.
• There should be special rooms for patients who need complete isolation from the rest of the patients.
• A special button should be provided to call the nursing staff for each bed to request assistance. The unit's pager should include contact measures with a digital emergency code and recovery alarm as well as call for assistance from outside the Division with at least six electrical points per bed in the lobby, Of oxygen exits, 1 outlet for compressed air and 1 outlet for fluid withdrawal per bed.
• Special wheel for safe storage of patient's medical equipment.
• Reception station for patients at the beginning of intensive care with special offices and a place to replace the appendage clothing.
• A nursing station with a location and a space for observation and observation to enable them to visually monitor all patients and contain the necessary equipment and equipped with a loud / low sound alarm and the ability to give a copy of the forms of waves required to care for patients.
• There should be a handwashing area for owners near the nursing station and patient beds areas with at least one washbasin for every two beds of patients with service spaces within each intensive care ward with easily accessible toilets for wheelchair users Patients with at least one toilet for every four beds.
• Administrative offices according to staff specialization.
• Break rooms for employees in this division according to their specialties and work schedules with the availability of special cupboards for the preservation of personal objects with bathrooms and toilets.
• Dining room for staff in the Division.
• Replacement room for functional staff.
• Store to replace and store sheets, sterile and non-sterile clothes and utensils.
• A room for collecting sheets and used clothes.
• A cavity chamber dedicated to storing equipment used to care for patients and storage areas should not interfere with flow and traffic.
• Small room for cleaning and cleaning equipment.
• Clean room for nutrition, preparing food for patients or storing ready-made oral food with refrigerators to store clean food items with food preparation tools, cabinets to store sterile utensils and distribution of food supplies.
• Room and store for pharmacy and medical supplies with a unit for the disbursement of medicines and supplies.
• Laboratory for urgent analysis such as: Blood Gas Analysis, Blood Urea, Electrolytes
• A small operations hall for specific cases, if there is no operating room close to the Division.
• Room for the maintenance, maintenance and sterilization of medical devices and equipment.
• A room adjacent to the division is reserved for visitors.
• Office or private room adjacent to the Division to consult with intensive care contact.
• A room or hall adjacent to the division dedicated to meetings and deliberation, giving lectures and training and educational courses.
• A storage room for conveyors and wheelchairs is adjacent to the Division.
• The ventilation of the Division in terms of the degree of cooling and heating (16-27 ° C) with moisture ranging from (20-25%) with the use of isolation methods.
• Provide fire safety and control.
• Provides lighting and a source of backup power.
• Use complete isolation methods and prevent acquired infections.
• Centralized oxygen at a rate of 20 L / min & 4 bar at each bed.
• Pull the central fluid by 500 mm Hg
(66.6 kpa atmospheric pressure and 40 L / min. At each bed).
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