Coryza.. Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity and swelling of the serous layer of the nose and is inflamed with a sense of inflammation and a tendency to sneeze and difficulty in speech and breathing

Catarrh This disease is caused by inflammation of mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity, which is acute and chronic. Description of the disease if it is acute any talk of appearance swelling of the serous layer of the nose and red with a sense of inflammation and a tendency to sneeze and difficulty in speech and breathing, irritation of the throat and mucous discharge many. This cold may be accompanied by more severe symptoms of the patient, including the weight of the brain and the pain and chills and vomiting in color if the disease feels severe thirst and rapid pulse up to 100 beats per minute and a light or strong flesh. Colds in the elderly, children and those who have a disease in the lungs or respiratory people are more severe than in young people who do not complain of respiratory disease.
Colds are caused by cold.
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