Xanthomatosis.. Xanthelasma palpabrum. Plane xanthomas. Eruptive xanthoma. Tendinious xanthomas. Tuberous xanthoma

Zero tumor disease is the accumulation of grease in conjunction with foam cells in tissues.
Clinical Forms:
- Xanthelasma palpabrum:
It is the most common form of yellow tumors, affecting any age. Middle-aged females are the most common cases, especially those with biliary disease. Pests are yellowish plaques on the eyelids that combine to form large plaques.
- Plane xanthomas:
High yellow papules symmetrical on the eyelids and sides of the neck and palms.
- Eruptive xanthoma:
Yellow papules appear on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, joints and buttocks surrounded by an elliptic wall and may be painful and associated with increased triglycerides.
- Tendinious xanthomas:
Yellow nodular lesions appear on the muscle tendons on the extensor surfaces caused by the leakage of cholesterol.
- Tuberous xanthoma:
Symmetric nodular lesions, which appear over the extensor surfaces of the joints and are associated with increased triglyceride and serum cholesterol.
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