Varicella Zoster vaccine.. VARSILA Zoster is a viral infection caused by the spray or fluid found in the pimples spread over the affected person's skin

Varicella Zoster vaccine:
Chicken Pox is a viral skin infection caused by the varicella zooster virus, which is spread among patients by the spray or fluid in the pimples spread over the skin of the affected person. The disease is characterized by pimples of skin in different stages of growth accompanied by an unlikely contact with high temperature and a sense of fatigue. Skin rash may be severe in some cases and in some cases the disease may lead to special scars on the face, severe pneumonia, or inflammation of the brain and in rare cases that may lead to death.
Type of vaccine:
The smallpox vaccine consists of a weakened living virus that is unable to develop the disease. It is given as a subcutaneous injection.
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