Treatment of vitiligo with fine pigmentation and area fading with skin-like pigments and use of photosensitizers

Precise pigmentation and localization of the area with skin-like pigments locally or by staining under the skin by a special device. This method is used for facial or finger spots and areas that are prone to treatment.
Skin grafting and transplantation of melanocytes. Expensive and always unsuccessful.
With regard to the use of botanical sensors to treat white skin and pigmentation, I had an important observation that I remember a long time ago because I did not have a scientific explanation at the time and I say now after decades.
I remember that 50 years ago, people in my village were treated with vitiligo before the discovery of modern drugs by placing the milky white matter they had obtained after removing the fig leaves or injuring the legs of some trees such as the sycamore tree. They place this substance on the vitiligo area and ask the victim to be exposed to the sun in the morning. This method helped color the skin in some cases. It was their only way of treatment at the time they did not have the alternative, the way they inherited it from their ancestors. It may come to the mind of some that this is a primitive method and that it is scientifically based. The milky material they get from trees is a substance that attracts ultraviolet rays, so this is the same idea that is used recently with the difference in cost and appearance.
It was a great experience that treated many patients who were happy and satisfied with the result with the redness and re-pigmentation of the skin lesions.
After a long time I was able to find an explanation for this kind of great medical medical practice, with the experience that may be inherited from the grandparents, they could find something to deal with such skin problems while they had no alternative methods.
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