Treatment of hyperhidrosis .. Benadril tranquilizers. Industrial antiperspirants for atropine such as baphenithin and propanethin. Cyproheptadine. Strezin. Aluminum salts. Boro solution and tannic acid

Treatment of hyperhidrosis:
- The reassurance of the patient and psychological treatment may benefit in some cases, especially the emotional form.
Medication for the sympathetic state.
- Sedatives: Penadril or other types of mild sedatives improve hyperhidrosis.
- Atropine industrial antiperspirants such as propanthine and banthine may be a temporary inhibitor of sweat.
- Side effects of these drugs are: dry mouth, double vision confused especially with large doses.
- Antihistamines: Cyproheptadine or Cetrizine or Streizin may be valuable in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, especially in the emotional form.
Topical preparations: Some topical preparations are available in the market, but some may cause contact dermatitis along with obstruction of the ethnic canal nozzles, causing atherosclerosis, sweat retention and inflammation of the thyroid glands.
- Most antiperspirants contain aluminum salts of different concentrations and different participations.
- Astringents: Immersion of the feet and palms in potassium permanganate 1/2000 or 2% boro solution and tannic acid in alcohol for an hour may have anti-sweating effect.
- Powders: Apply powder on the feet and areas between the fingers to relieve sweating.
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