Treatment of Dermatitis herpetiformis.. Dapson. Sulfapiridine. Sulfapiridine. Gluten free diet. Corticosteroids. Antihistamines and topical steroids

1- Dapsone.
2- sulfapiridine:
Less effective than dapsone in general and in the effective dose tends to cause more side effects especially inhibition of the pure (myelin).
The usual dose is 0.5 g two or three times a day.
Sulfiridine 12 g / day improves some cases of dermatitis.
Gluten Free Diet: To improve celiac disease, it may be tried when unresponsive to dapsone, which has a major effect on rashes.
3- corticosteroids and "ACTH" for cases not responding to other therapeutic lines.
4- antihistamines and topical steroid.
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