Treatment of alopecia alopecia .. Minoxidil preparations. Corticosteroids. Topical titration. Prednisone

Treatment of alopecia sclera:
General Treatment:
Repair of predisposing factors such as anemia, emotional factors, infections and others.
Many cases are usually reversible, hair may begin to grow in the area of ​​baldness shortly or long without treatment.
Topical preparations:
Several preparations are used to treat alopecia, some of which have a beneficial effect sometimes, while others are used by non-experts. In many cases, the result is wasting time, effort, money and complications.
The simplest way is to paint the area with abrasives such as iodine or Mareladenin, which may cause irritation and bathiness due to increased vasodilation in the area. After the scratching of the hair, the hair begins to grow.
The simple and primitive methods of treatment recommended by barbers (who are often the first to discover alopecia) are to finish the area with a razor blade and rub it with one or two garlic. Although this may cause severe irritation, it is safe to say that we are faced with a number of patients who are satisfied with the results of treatment and their hair has returned to growth again.
Some topical preparations may be used and contain "Canatharides, Capsicum", iodine, gabburand and others.
Minoxidil preparations: may yield good results if used for a long period (6 8 months).
Corticosteroids: may give good results, if used for a long time.
Topical corticosteroids:
Topical sedation of Leddercort by syringe or skin injector.
Care should be taken to use concentrated steroids to avoid skin atrophy or hypoglycemia caused by high concentrations of corticosteroids during area infusion.
Systemic drugs: rarely needed, in severe cases we may need prednisone (tablets) or Depot Medrol injections once a week for 12 months.
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