Thrombocytopenic purpura.. Platelet abnormalities, whether due to lack of formation or destruction by several factors

Thrombocytopenic purpura:
This type of purpura is related to the abnormalities of thrombocytopenia either due to lack of formation or destruction by several factors. Thrombocytopenia purpura usually occurs with a platelet count of less than 10,000 / mm3 and is rarely seen with a population above 50,000 / mm3.
The placenta is caused by damage or disease in the vessel wall and results in:
Serotonin and thrombocene 2, resulting in angiogenesis and increased adhesion and buildup of thrombocytopenia.
The formation and formation of platelets are enhanced by the formation of fibrin filaments as a result of activating the serotonin coagulation system by the third platelet factor.
Clinical manifestations:
Thrombocytopenia may occur at any age, but in two-thirds of cases it occurs in younger ages and in females more common than males.
The onset may be gradual or acute especially in children, and may cause deaths mainly due to cerebrovascular accidents.
Bleeding occurs within the skin with areas of spots or long-term bleeding and may occur in the internal organs.
Arthritis is not common.
The spleen may swell slightly.
Spontaneous recurrences occur in a fraction of acute cases, but rarely in chronic cases more than three months old in which the walk is continuous or wobbly.
Diagnosis methods:
Clinical Image:
- Blood image: The platelet count of Minocaryocytes (Megakaryocytes) is normal or excessive in bone marrow (Bone marrow).
- Assets in bone marrow are negative.
Differential diagnosis:
Systemic lupus erythema.
- drug-induced purpura.
- Intravenous coagulation.
- Kidney failure.
1 Cause treatment.
2 corticosteroids.
3 Immunoglobulin.
4 Splenectomy: Useful in most chronic and acute cases of unresponsive corticosteroids. After splenectomy, thrombocytopenia tends to remain low but porphyria improves.
5 Immunosuppressive therapy: It is prescribed in cases that fail to respond to the spleen and steroids, or when the splenectomy is not possible due to certain causes.
6 Danazole may be useful in some cases.
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