Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccines. The decomposed vaccines have less severe complications than their old counterparts

There are several types of triple vaccine:
- The old triptych vaccine (DPT), a vaccine containing parts of tetanus and diphtheria toxin, as well as the killed staphylococcus, which is given by injection in the muscle.
- Developed tetanus vaccine (DTaP), a vaccine containing parts of tetanus and diphtheria toxin as well as streptococcal bacteria, which is also given by an injection in the muscle.
- Children's duodenal vaccine (DT), a vaccine containing parts of tetanus and diphtheria toxin, was previously used in children who were late in receiving old triad doses after 6 to 7 years of age. After the production of the trigeminal vaccine, the vaccine was no longer needed.
- The adult duo vaccine (dT), a vaccine containing parts of tetanus toxin and a lower proportion of diphtheria toxin, is used in adolescents as a reminder dose for tetanus and diphtheria vaccines between the ages of 10-12 years.
(DTaP), a modern vaccine similar to adult diphtheria, but was added to the streptococcal bacteria and is used in adolescents as a reminder dose of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis between the ages of 10-12 years instead of adult vaccine for adults.
All species give effective immunity against the disease. Vaccinated vaccines have less severe complications than older ones and can be used in adolescents and adults without causing significant side effects.
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