Systemic lupus erythematosus.. The skin rash was characterized by hemorrhagic perfusion and the expansion of capillaries. Injury of joints and kidneys. Heart changes

Systemic lupus erythematosus:
It is a disease of the connective tissue of family-ready and poor immune function. The disease is characterized by multiple injury to the organs, and may affect any age especially female adults. Immunoglobulin-specific IgG and IgM and IgA together with complement (C3, C1) may appear in the human junction of the dermis and are shown by direct immune fluorescence.
Clinical manifestations:
1 General clinical features:
Systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with important symptoms such as mild fever, intermittent, abdominal and chest pain, fatigue and articular pain. These symptoms may persist for a long time before the skin lesion appears or is not associated with any other skin appearance.
2 Skin manifestations:
The dizziness usually begins in the parts of the skin most vulnerable to sunlight. The skin rash simulates splashes of erythematous perfusion and the expansion of capillaries.
The skin lesion appears in about half of the cases in superficial dark lesions on the exposed areas of the sun, especially the face given by the view of the butterfly. Pests may be unilateral but usually bilateral and symmetrical, and there is usually atrophy in lesions such as DLE.
Pheromones are a common manifestation of SLE.
3 Systemic manifestations:
Fever: Usually of intermittent pattern.
- abdominal pain and chest pain is important: related to the injury of internal organs.
- Blood changes: leukocyte deficiency, anemia and thrombocytopenia. It is caused by inhibiting the pure.
- Joint injury: multiple joints caused by the injury of the membranes, synovial and arthritis.
Pheromones are important signs of darker purpuric and SLE
- Kidney injury: hematuria, weak albuminuria, arterial hypertension and edema caused by thickening of capillaries with local necrosis known as the knot lesion.
- Heart changes: Signs of inflammation of the pericarditis and myocarditis and inflammation of the transparent lead to the lesions of the growth on the demons known as «Lebman syndrome Sak».
- Vascular changes: may be generalized affecting most blood vessels of the skin and internal organs and lead to different and complex manifestations.
- Neurological manifestations: epilepsy and convulsions.
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