Systemic lupus erythematosus in childhood.. leukocyte deficiency: thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. Albumin / globulin ratio is usually reversed with increased gamma globulins

Systemic lupus erythematosus in childhood:
Clinical image, walking and treatment are similar to those in adults. The onset at early ages was recorded at the age of 3 months.
Systemic systemic lupus erythema may be similar to chronic bubonic disease in children.
Several members are infected, especially the kidneys, and show widespread renal proliferative inflammation.
Manifestations of central nervous system.
Hepatocellular hepatic hyperplasia and large lymph nodes are common in children with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Laboratory assets in "SLE"
1 Urine: hematuria and Casts.
2. Blood: High ESR.
Leukocyte deficiency: thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia.
The "BFP" test for positive biologically false prophylaxis may be positive.
Albumin / globulin ratio is usually reversed with increased gamma globulins.
3 The DNA synthesis test may be positive.
4 antibodies nuclei "ANA" positive.
5 Immunohistochemistry of immunoglobulin can be shown in the human epidermal junction and gives a bright greenish yellow color.
6. Intra-dermal test: Pure nucleotide antigen exhibits a strong reaction to histone and nuclear proteins.
LE cell test is a special cell, which is a white corpuscle with many moderate nuclei containing the Inclusion bodies and a homogeneous purple color.
A LE cell may appear as a rose, and a positive "LE" cell test is in "SLE" and some cases of connective tissue disease.
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