Skin manifestations of internal diseases.. Yellow dusty skin coloration. paleness. Skin paper. Redness. Changes in nails

Skin manifestations of internal diseases:
Skin is the net mirror of the human body, as internal diseases may be reflected in certain manifestations on the skin surfaces.
There are several internal diseases that can cause skin manifestations. These marks may appear on the surface of the skin in different clinical manifestations depending primarily on primary internal disease. These include:
skin color:
Different skin colors are associated with some internal diseases.
The lupus is also anemic.
Dermal yellow discoloration of skin: occurs in chronic intestinal infections such as schistosomiasis.
Redness (blood clotting) occurs due to excessive motor circulation as in redness of the blood (skin redness) and congestive myocardial infarction.
Drought: Dry skin occurs in chronic debilitating diseases.
SKIN SKIN: Occurs due to skin collagen fatigue as in the dorsal or topical area as in topical topical steroid therapy.
Skin lines: Occurred in Cushing's disease, after steroids inside or out for long periods, duputerin contractions and chronic liver disease.
Skin shape: Changes in the shape of the skin as in the face of the epidermis caused by systemic steroids and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and gynecomastia associated with the increase of estrogens circulating in the blood circulation.
Changes in the nails: occur in chronic diseases such as malignant anemia, cirrhosis of the liver leading to white strips or nail biting as the fingers become drummer.
Yellow tumors (oncotic disease): Young meningitis and seborrheic dermatitis occurs in biliary liver disease.
Itching: A common manifestation in fungal infections and bacterial liver disease is thought to be related to bile salts and to increase their concentration in the blood. Cholestyramine used in treatment increases the fecal loss of bile salts and thus relieves itching.
Edema: may result from hypoproteinemia, increased venous pressure and increased capillary permeability.
Skin redness: erythema, tinea, or skin clots may result from a drug rush or from papillomatous diseases such as psoriasis.
Erythematous and local alveolar lesions are associated with deep neurological and psychological trauma.
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