Skin diseases of thyroid dysfunction.. Increase hair. Eczema. Increase thickness and roughness of the skin. Hyperpigmentation or vitiligo. Alopecia and loss of eyebrows skin

Skin diseases of thyroid dysfunction:
Skin manifestations of hyperthyroidism:
- The mucous edema in front of the bone of the tibia (Pretibial myxedema) is the most distinctive appearance of thyroid toxicity appear in the form of waxy papillae and orange-like plaques on the forefoot (tibia).
- Increase hair in affected areas.
- Eczema: lesions similar to eczema in children and adults.
- Thickness of the skin: increases to lead to rough folds appear around the eyes.
- The skin in the mucous edema appears coarse, dry and brittle and the scarf and swollen with coarse hair is likely because of increased TSH mobile hormone.
Skin is warm and sweating due to increased metabolic rate.
- Itching.
Hyperpigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
- Alopecia and loss of eyebrows skin.
- The nails become uneven and distorted shape.
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