Rotavirus vaccine that causes diarrhea in children, especially in infants .. through stool through oral infection causing inflammation in the small intestine

Rota is one of the most common diarrheal viruses in children, especially in infants, and in children who go to day care centers.
There are several types of viruses causing the disease, the most important of which are four. The disease is spread through the feces by oral infection. Inoculation enters the virus through contaminated hands and equipment into the gastrointestinal tract causing inflammation in the small intestine.
The virus can live for days and weeks in a contaminated place such as hands, games and various surfaces ... a highly contagious virus that is thrown into the stool of the infected person for a long time.
Although the most frequent cases of diarrhea caused by the virus are automatically cured when fluid is replenished in sufficient quantities, there is a risk of dehydration in the infant, which may lead to death if not treated.
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