Prurigo.. Severely itchy skin lesions without apparent cause. Hippocampal papules with a small vesicle in the top of the papules

The term "acupressure" refers to severe skin lesions with no apparent cause.
The disease is usually one of the skin diseases of the scabies and therefore the lesion is associated with skin thickness and pigmentation.
Scleroderma is characterized by papules that are shaped like a pyramid and a small vesicle in the highest papules and blisters usually do not be phenomenon where it is slaughtered with severe itching.
The lesion usually appears in the form of an erythematous lesion due to severe scratching.
The papyrus papules usually notice more than the primary papillary lesion with its follicle.
Types of disease:
1 (Prurigo simplex).
2 (Pruriginous dermatoses).
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