Powders for treatment of hyperhidrosis.. Aluminum chloride. Potassium Aluminum. Salicylic acid. starch. Talc Powder. Botalium poisons. Aluminum chloride hexahydrate

* Used powder on the feet and areas between the fingers to relieve sweating, the most commonly used powders are:
- R / X.
Aluminum chloride.
Potassium Aluminum.
- Salicylic acid 3.
- Starch 5.
TALK 100 Powder.
This product may have a good effect in reducing hyperhidrosis.
* Botalium poisons:
Currently potassium toxin has proven to be effective, safe and long lasting as a therapeutic alternative to treat hyperhidrosis.
The patient is given 50 subcutaneous injections, each of which is 2 units, at each hand's rest using a neurologic restriction of mid-level and mid-centipede intolerance.
- 25% aluminum chloride hexahydrate in absolute atypical alcohol gives efficacy in axillary hyperhidrosis.
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