Porphyria cutanea tarda.. Hypopigmentation and scarring after recovery. Atrophy and expansion of capillaries on areas exposed to the sun. Grapes due to human human separation

Porphyria cutanea tarda:
Clinical manifestations are caused by an abnormal porphyrin metabolism, drugs such as parabetor sulfonamides, chloramycin, chloroquine, glycose, and wolfin toxins and toxins, breakfast killers (hexachlorphenzine) may cause this type. Different forms of porphyria can cause different skin and nail manifestations.
Clinical manifestations:
Skin manifestations:
- The skin is fragile, easily ruptured and forms clusters due to human epidermal separation.
- Skin-like reflex in the form of pigmentation.
- Atrophy and expansion of capillaries on areas exposed to the sun.
- Lack of pigmentation and scarring after recovery.
Hyperthyroidism is not common in slow-functioning porphyria.
Patients are allergic to sunlight even when they are indoors: The patient is prone to toxic toxicity reversals.
Associated diseases:
Hepatic Cirrhosis, Hemochromatosis, Carcinomatosis Hodgkin's disease may be associated with slow-hearted porphyria.
Diagnosis methods:
- The urine shows a pinkish red color flashed under the rays of the wood.
- Positive bromosulfan testing.
- Determination of porphyria in urine and stool.
- Three-step method: A plastic column used for one-time dipping in resin exchange resin and allows the identification of various porphyrins and their precursors.
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