Pityriasis rubra piliaris.. The young red petticoat. Keratine plugs on the nozzles. Flea cells and plasma cells infiltrate around blood vessels

Pityriasis rubra piliaris:
Is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by corneal gingival papillae that are both gendered and occur at all ages.
the reasons:
- The cause of the disease is unknown, the important anomaly appears to be excessive skin activity.
- Genetic factors are taken into consideration as the disease is transmitted as an autosomal force.
- Young red poetic papillae.
- Young red capillaries in infants and young children may have a different clinical picture than those found in older children and adults.
- Disease usually begins at 5-10 years.
Clinical manifestations:
Skin manifestations:
- The onset usually begins in early childhood in the form of a few scaly, scaly papules and papules associated with cirrhosis of the cirrhosis and central cirrhosis.
- The pest is sometimes chronic. Spontaneous healing usually occurs within two years or may develop for generalized osteoarthritis, leaving behind red, shiny, and very sensitive skin.
- Scalp is the first place to get sick, where he pretends to redness and flaking, leaving alkaline (alopecia) scar.
- Other places exposed to injury are: the sides of the neck behind the hands, shoulders, feet and extensor areas.
- Nails: Cracking nails The nails of a dark outline may become rough.
- The skin is dry and looks like a goose skin.
Pathological appearance:
- Increase the correlation.
- The corneal and thickening of the skin layer of the skin.
- Keratinous plugs on the nozzles.
- Decomposition and decomposition of the basal layer of the skin.
- The cells of the polycystic and the plasma cells around the blood vessels that are expanding.
Treatment methods:
- Many methods have been used for treatment, but most of them are sometimes disappointing.
- Topical steroids: either alone or in combination with the sulfate acid can give some improvement.
- IsoTriton: can be used for adults, especially for chronic cases.
- Systemic Steroids: Used cautiously in cases of diffuse staphylococcus.
- Retonoid: can give good results.
- Vitamin A in large doses. Caution should be taken from overdose.
- PUVA rays will work for adults only.
- We prefer that this treatment line should not be used or recommended in the small age group.
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