Paraffin accompanied with systemic diseases.. Uremia. Liver diseases. Diabetes. Hemochromatosis and cancers

Paraffin accompanied with systemic diseases:
Non-platelet purpura may occur in several systemic diseases, the mechanism of damage to blood vessels is often unknown.
Common systemic diseases associated with purpura are:
- Uremia.
- Liver diseases.
- Diabetes.
- Hemochromatosis and cancers.
- Amyloid disease (amyloid) caused by the permeability of the capillaries of the plant.
- Malnutrition: It seems likely that changes occur in thrombosis, thrombocytopenia and capillaries all play its role.
- Fatty liposuction: The freckles that are very few or multiple are an important sign that usually occurs on the upper part of the body after a large period of about 2 - 3 days.
- Fine lipid seals have been found within the vessels in the site of abnormal emitters.
- glandular disorders: such as Cushing's disease.
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