Nodular prurigo.. Red papillae are sometimes associated with a retinal model and hyperpigmentation

Nodular prurigo:
It is a chronic problem in adults and is similar to the common papillary papilla caused by insect bites. The reason is unknown, although psychological and emotional tensions seem to play a role in the configuration of the disease. Particular insect bites after repeated exposure in people who have a predisposition may play an important role.
The disease is more common in adults and more often with the onset of spring and summer. The local lesion is found on the trunk and neck and appears as red, papery papules, sometimes associated with a retinal model and a pigmented hyperplasia.
Inhalation of this type sometimes occurs with malignant diseases, especially lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and redness of blood (blood clot).
Clinical manifestations:
- Alkal is one of the common skin diseases, which causes severe itching and sometimes unlikely, especially in people who are mentally unstable.
- The eruption consists of a small number of small excited papillae on the extensor surfaces of the limbs and the upper trunk and buttocks with a very varied distribution.
- Acute alopecia may appear on the scalp as an isolated lesion or as part of the disease that affects other parts of the body.
- Alkali Akkidi in the scalp is not easy to disperse from dermatitis, the nerve may be continuous for months or years or there may be partial or complete.
- The personal lesion is a rigid spherical creed, with a diameter of 1 3 cm with a high wolves surface.
- The early lesion is a red color and may exhibit varied urticaria, but all lesions tend to pigmentation.
- Peeling and cracking may cover newly penetrated skin lesions, irregular circular area of ​​hyperpigmentation directly around the nodules and the lesions are usually aggregated.
- New nodules occur from time to time, but existing nodules may remain itchy, although some may spontaneously decline to leave behind scars, and the disease goes a long way.
Large symmetric nodules and severe itching are usually manifestations that help the diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis:
- Neurodermatitis.
- Pelvic dermatitis.
- Chaldean dresses.
- Bactericidal «insect bites».
- Skin diseases accompanied by itching
Galley Hangers:
Are various skin diseases associated with itching and papatic lesions, some of which are associated with the pests of evil, oxidation and strengthen.
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