Medications for the treatment of acne .. Doxycycline and Monocycline - Ultra-Imethioprim - Clindamycin

Doxycycline and monocycline:
- Doxycycline (100 mg / day) and monocycline (100 mg / day) are effective but more expensive.
We have found that doxycycline is acceptable for patients, more effective than menoclin and its side effects are less. The dose is 100 mg / d daily for 10 days. The dose is reduced to 100 mg / day for 20 days and 100 mg / day only for three months or longer depending on the response of the lesions.
Doxycycline tablets are more preferred than capsules due to less digestive irritation.
Oral treatment should be given for at least 6 months in combination with topical treatment.
Ultra-Imethioprim (400-600 mg / day) is equally effective and can be retained as an antibiotic as a third line.
- Clindamycin: Useful because it is heavy in fat and should not be used routinely because of the risk of the occurrence of pseudo-colitis.
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