Keratosis piliaris Decalvans.. Dorsal skin in the cheeks. Alopecia alopecia in the scalp and eyebrows

Keratosis piliaris Decalvans:
Is a surgical form that begins in the face of infancy.
Clinical manifestations:
- Clear, diaphragmatic stitches may be in the baby or occur in early childhood on the nose, cheeks and finally on the limbs and neck. Pre-ejaculation is preceded by an atrophy that allows for the formation of dermal epidermis in the cheeks.
- Non-repetitive alopecia in the scalp and eyebrows begin during childhood and early adolescence and this is characteristic of the disease. Some cases may be associated with fear of light Intestinal corneal density is designed for nail abnormalities and mental retardation, and may be associated with multiple insomnia.
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