Keratoderma due to other diseases.. Psoriasis. Reiter's disease. Pancreatic red capillaries. Eczema. Lupus erythema. Flat lichen. Viral warts. Dryer's disease. Arsenic ingestion. Yeosiasis

Keratoderma due to other diseases:
Several dermatological diseases may be accompanied by an overgrowth of plantar parenchyma including:
1 psoriasis: plantar parenchyma hyperthyroidism associated with situational psoriasis with silver scales.
Reiter's disease: The lesions are compressed and compact and resemble the head of the nails.
3 Pityriasis rubra piliaris affects the palms and soles with yellow hyperthyroidism. Coronation is associated with acute GERD in adults and typical lesions on the knees and elbows in the youthful form.
4 eczema: eczema hypercirculation may be severe and widespread and difficult to differentiate by both the clinical picture and anatomical manifestations, severe itching.
5 Lupus erythematosus: It may exhibit dominant saline lesions, which may be dry or even macular or atrophic. Skin and laboratory changes are diagnosed.
6. Flat lichen: The lesions are more waxy and may be mistakenly identified as viral warts or bulging pores, vulcanized superficial violet papillae with Wickmann lines. In differential diagnosis, distinct pathological changes are characteristic.
7 Viral warts: In immunosuppressant patients may be concentrated in the palms and soles.
8 Parenchyma caused by skin breakfast:
Surface fungal infections, especially red capillary fungi, may be associated with hyperthyroidism in the palms and soles.
9 Drayer's disease: severe, dirty, corneal papillary papules that afflict the face, trunk and lateral surfaces of the limbs, papules form papillomatous or germicidal lesions. Histological features are recognized.
10 Avonage: May affect palms and soles leading to hyperthyroidism. Excessive lesions of late-onset spasticity may be severe or localized.
11 Yaws In the so-called "Crab Yaws" severe grafting in later lesions incites a strange crab-like gait in the injured.
12 Arsenic ingestion: causes multiple irregular myelosis.
13 Medications: Cross-parenchymal lesions Note following ingestion of drugs such as iodine. In these cases, the dermal parenchyma flakes continuously in days or weeks.
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