Inflammation of the skin photosensitizer plant.. A pigmented and inflammatory skin reaction caused by the sun's rays predisposes it to contact with the furucomarin found in plants

Inflammation of the skin photosensitizer plant:
Is a pigmentary and inflammatory skin reaction caused by the sun's rays that predisposes it to contact with the furukomarin found in other plants or compounds.
Repetition occurs in areas exposed to sunlight after contact with these plants to the surface of the skin.
There is some personal readiness, but with sufficient exposure, most will be relegated.
If the inflammatory phase is severe, the bubbles are formed, but in the mildest cases only, the pigmented changes are irregular and the irregular pattern of the plant and leaf contact points with the uncoated skin.
The most common clinical syndromes are anorexia nervosa, often on the legs in children.
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