icthyosis commonly oppressed .. Large scales covering the neck, face, ears and emotional surfaces such as the axons, the pelvis and the ovary, the scalp is exposed

ichthyosis commonly oppressed:
This form is inherited as an autosomal recombinant "X" affecting males.
Clinical manifestations:
Large scales covering the neck, face, ears and emotional surfaces such as the armpits, the perineal and ovarian fossa, the scalp is exposed.
Pathological Anatomy:
- Skin: Hyperthyroidism and hyperhidrosis.
Thick granular layer.
Emollients should be used regularly to relieve dehydration, itching and decrease the tendency of the skin to crack.
- Formulations containing urea and 2% Salicylic acid in a variant suitable for severe skin scaling.
Caution should be taken when using salicylic acid topically in children due to toxic absorption potential.
- Some reports showed a good improvement in peeling using 12% of the "ammonium acetate solution".
- "Retinoids" may give good improvements, but side effects limit the use in infants and young children and may be kept for severe cases severe at large ages.
Antihistamines may be needed when there is itching.
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