Hyperpigmentation induced by drugs.. Chlorpromazine. The Bosphorus. Non - organic. Cell destruction in the basal layer of sulfonamides

Hyperpigmentation induced by drugs:
- Inorganic bosulfan chloricazine and inorganic compounds and ACTH compounds. Generalized pigmentation is caused and remains unchanged for life, where there is an exfoliation of skin pigmentation and a white lump with a triangular spot where these symptoms are present with a triangular area free of pigmentation on the forehead.
- Pigmentation may be stimulated by a wide variety of other drugs and several mechanisms.
Skin discoloration can occur as a result of certain medications or minerals that are deposited in the dermis.
- Some heavy metals may enter the skin in sufficient quantities to produce one distinct change in skin color without any significant increase in melanin.
- Persistent drug rush: Pigmentation occurs due to cell destruction in the basal layer as in sulfonamides.
- The child's gray syndrome is caused by a high dose of chloram fincol.
- Topical photosensitizers may cause localized hyperplasia.

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