Herpangia.. A viral disease that occurs in the Koksaki virus affects children in the summer. Polycystic smears. Myocardial reflex

Is a viral disease that occurs in the Koksaki virus, mainly affecting children especially in the summer.
Infection Methods:
- It is believed that certain strains of flies may transmit the disease.
- Direct infection of infected persons.
Clinical manifestations:
General features:
Fever may be high, headache, pharyngitis, lack of appetite and difficulty swallowing.
Skin manifestations:
Skin lesions may appear in several forms, mainly:
- Myocardial infarction.
- Pests are evil.
- Plastered smears.
The manifestations of mucous membranes:
Pustules, vesicles and ulcers are surrounded by an erythematous aura that appears on the mucosa and appears descriptively on the pharynx, tonsils and throat. Pests usually appear in small groups that may accumulate and ulcers.
Surface ulcers are gray in color and dotted.
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