Hair changes associated with internal diseases.. Hirsutism because of increased circulating androgens in the blood circulation. Alopecia (alopecia). Hair loss

- Hair changes:
The soft, lupine-covering hair may become pigmented as in some tumors, especially carcinomas.
- Poetry:
Occurs due to increased circulating androgens in blood circulation and cortisol due to Cushing's disease, systemic treatment of steroids and some ovarian tumors.
- Alopecia (alopecia):
May occur due to increased mobile androgens or changes in the sensitivity of the androgen receptors and estrogens in the skin.
- Hair color changes:
Metabolic and metabolic diseases such as Kawashurkur and Perphiritis may cause changes in hair color.
- Hair loss:
In anemia, hormonal disorders after chemotherapy or trauma.
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